Sunday, August 5, 2007

Reading C Teachers View of Computers

Many studies have been conducted on the use of technology in the classroom. In the article, Teachers’ View of Computers as a Catalysts for Change in Their Teaching Practice, 47 teachers were interviewed and placed in one of three categories, depending upon their instruction styles. The first instructional style being Non-constructivist in which the teachers believed that the “primary objects of learning are the mastery of a set of skills, “ with a importance being placed on grades and recognition. This style is the more “traditional” teaching style, that assumes every student learns in the same way. The second instructional style that was introduced was the Weak-constructivists. These teachers placed a “greater than average focus on understanding concepts”. They also incorporated some interesting classroom activities, but “grades and recognition were a strong undercurrent”. The third and final instructional style that was categorized, was the Substantially constructivist. This instructional style “frequently incorporated creative instructional practices” and these teachers “regard there role as facilitators of student learning”. These teachers encouraged interactions students, teachers and even people outside the classrooms. Thankfully out of the 47 teachers they interviewed for this study, 32 fell into the constructivist categories. All of the 32 teachers in this category said they had made changes in their classroom over the years, into a more student-centered practice. Only three out of the 32 teachers in this group specified that the computer helped them make the changes, and another 2 indicated that the computer changed the way they taught. I think just as we have seen a movement away from the traditional teaching, such as the Non-constructivist teacher, and toward a more progressive teaching style, we will start to see more technology used in the classroom. I believe this is a result of education in the universities, better equipping the soon to be teachers. Teachers need to be educated and continue learning as new technology arises. This technology brings a whole new element into the classroom, that can be a huge asset for both the student and the teacher.

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