Sunday, April 20, 2008

The End of a Journey

As I come to the end of my half day teaching in the middle school, I leave with sadness. I have built relationships that I will miss immensely. Relationships that took time to build. Some students are that way; you have to earn them. I am a very patient person. I watch and listen because I care. When the opportunity presents itself, I slowly but persistently build repore, until I have bridged the gap and built a relationship. Some student just want someone who cares, someone who will listen. Others need that continued daily support and encouragement to complete their assignments or to participate in class. Other just want you to prove yourself, that you truly have their best interest at heart. I will miss those students. I anxiously await my own classroom so that I will have more time to deepen the relationships. My students have taught me a lot this semester. I have learned there is more power in influence than there is in authority. I have learned I need to come along side my students and help them succeed. I cannot "make" them succeed. I have learned that each student is an individual. One thing does not work for everyone. Unfortunately I have learned that for some students, school is the only safe place they have to go, for some, they attend school only because it is better than being in their home environment. I have learned that I can set the tone for the classroom and my students will feed off of my reactions or lack of reactions. I have learned I love teaching and building the relationships that come with spending time with my students.

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